12/24/22 Gratitude Resides Here

Hey, hey, Malkia E Fanbase! I pray and hope you have all been doing great. I know I haven’t written a blog post in Months & some of you were in my inbox asking what’s going on.
If you have been following my social media pages, you will see that since May of 2022 to November, I have been vending at festivals, Tradeshows and Market circuit, while still having boutique appointments and running our E-commerce site.
This queen is tired (not exhausted), I have been good at scheduling time for self-care, creating intentional time just to stop and breath.
I am writing this more for me than you, however I hope you can take the time in this new year to create a practice of writing down a list of things you are grateful for and make it a ritual. Be intentional with it and schedule it on your calendar (trust me if it’s not on your calendar, it will be hard to do).
This list for me was typed during my birthday week and it sat on my desktop until I was ready to share it with you. These are the 44 things I am grateful for this past year on my 44th birthday,
So here goes my 44 things in no particular order.
1. For Pain free Days
This is one I easily took for granted before I had an accident on May 20, 2020, that left me in so much pain physically. I used to work out and run endless miles 6 times a week. I love running and working out hard, but I haven’t been able to do it for the last 2 years. I am grateful that in the last 6 months I have been able to count more days that were pain free than painful.
2. For my husband
He has held my hand, wiped my tears, supported ALL my crazy ideas, wild dreams, truly stood in the GAP, prayed for me and with me. His support has been one that has fueled this epic dream I am living and brought to life.
3. For my sisters & Mum
They are my personal therapists and the women who have walked with me & raised me from birth to now. I can tell them anything and they give me their advice & the harsh truth, and nothing is as beautiful as pouring all my brokenness to 4 women who give me nothing but so much love and have created a safe/ judgement free space for me.
4. For Time
There is something beautiful about waking up anytime I want and doing whatever I want when I want. This is priceless. Discipline is key though, If things need to be accomplished they need to be scheduled on my calendar and practicing consistency.
5. For other small business Owners
This journey can be very lonely, frustrating, and just plain hard. Nothing beats having chat groups, friends and others going through the same journey to hold me up when I need it.
6. For Basic Human Needs
It’s cold and extremely wet outside, and I am here cozy typing this up and realized what a blessing it is to have a roof over my head, beautiful clothes and a fridge full of food.
7. For solo trips
This year was the first time in my life that I took a solo trip by myself, what took me so long? I had an amazing week rediscovering myself all over again. I made a promise to myself that every year, I will make it my mission to have more of such moments with myself.

8. For the Ocean Breeze
There is something magical that happens when I am away on a beach, I feel renewed, refreshed, and ready for anything.
9. For my Girls crew
I have been blessed to have a community of women who have rallied around me in times of need and for a good ole time. These are women know who they are, and I will forever be indebted to them.
10. For my Male Crew
This should not come as a shock to those who really know me, I have male friends who are close and dear to me who bring a completely different vibe to my life.
11. For Knowing that I am enough as I am
Still doing inner intentional work on me daily, this will be a lifelong process.
12. For the beautiful places and countries, I have had the chance to visit and explore.
13. For homes away from home
Knowing I can leave the US continent and have a home waiting for me in Kenya or the UK. Is an incredible gift.
14. For my unwavering faith In God
There is one thing I will never doubt, that the God I serve is a living God and wants nothing but the best for me. I believe in the power of prayers and Jesus.
15. For Funny Animal videos
I spent way too much time watching animals doing the strangest things. Hubby and I send each other videos all day. Bring on the Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin & Endorphins please.

16. For my houseplants
They have taught me resilience, patience and that no one leaf competes with the other but work together for the good of the entire plant and each leaf.
17. For the word NO
It’s a complete sentence.
18. For Setting Boundaries
I am so proud of myself for executing on this on a regular basis, sometimes I sleep back to old patterns then catch myself and start over.
19. For being able to do “Hard things”
If you haven’t read this book, please add it to your reading list, “UNTAMED” by Glennon Doyle.
20. For Hiring a Brand Strategist Coach
The best ton of money I invested for my Business. Maureen Mwangi is the real deal. She has grown our revenue to beautiful numbers in our bank accounts.
21. For a Mindset coach
She comes as part of our Profit Lab Academy and helps us in this journey. Beautiful to have accountability and someone to guide us when imposter syndrome and when our limiting beliefs or brain fight us in the business ownership space.
22. For Music & Dancing
There was a time I was suffering from the side effects of a concussion and any kind of music, noise or even conversation in a loud place was impossible. I will never take that for granted ever.
23. For the 5 senses – stop and count them and think of all the countless blessings you have for having them.
24. For Books
I have always loved books since I was young, as I grow older and loving my own company even more, books fill my time.
25. For Bath time
I love soaking in my tub; you will find me there 4-5 times a week. My tub is a sanctuary.
26. For my Malkia Royalty Fanbase
Every single one of you who takes time to visit me at markets, bring me food, volunteer you time, spend money with me and spread my ministry of Adorning Royalty, Thank you forever.
27. For Hugs and Cuddles
We all need hugs and cuddles, don’t you think? And not just a brief hug I mean that deep engulfing, lingering one by a loved one. Doesn’t have to be sexual, just being present and releasing as you hold on to someone else.
28. For Forgiveness
I forgive as a gift to myself. It takes work & it doesn’t mean I forget. It starts with my own self-forgiveness.
29. For Sushi
That’s it! I need sushi shares at the rate I Indulge in it.

30. Finding random forgotten cash in my closet and bags.
I can’t be the only one who thinks this is the best feeling. Lol
31. For Mental Health Journals
I had the pleasure of journaling my thoughts on a book with journal prompts written by Dr. Mary Muranja who is a mental health expert and has two journals on amazon. The one I have is “Mental wellness Journal” Your wellness journey starts here. Do yourself a favor and get it.
32. For my brother
When my dad passed when I was only 15, my brother stepped in and made sure that my mum and my sisters were taken care of. He is an amazing, prayerful, loving, amazing human and I am so happy he is here & take time to spoil him.
33. For my team in Kenya
Listen, all I had was a dream, a vision on a piece of paper, iPhone notes and blessings from my husband to go spend time in Kenya and figure out what I need to live my best life. The team of artisans I work with humble me, humor me, drive me crazy but make the most beautiful things. They are who make this dream come true. Forever grateful for them and hope I never let them down or forget what they have meant for this journey.
34. For my In-laws
Having a set of parents who truly, genuinely care for their son and I. I thank God for them every day.
35. For an amazing cleaning crew
I used to think spending money on a cleaning crew was excessive since I could do it myself & I realized, I didn’t want to clean anymore, I wanted to enter my home and see it sparkling from no efforts of my own.
36. For peace
Its an indescribable feeling, I can sit in the quiet and not fidget for lack of anything going on around me, I can read a book in the nook in my bedroom, I can simply be in a crowd and still be still.
37. For my nephews and Nieces
I am their fave aunty, I party with them, I hear all their crazy stories and they have taught me to never stop laughing, to embrace change, to love life. I seriously wasn’t this wise in my teens and twenties like they are.
38. For color
Color Is life! I embrace color in all forms and in all seasons. I love me the boldest, wildest prints out there.
39. For curiosity
It sometimes gets me in trouble but oh what joy it is to discover so many beautiful things and people in the world. I ask a lot of questions; I am not shy to cover any topic and I will get obsessive with finding answers to something until I find it.
40. For Abundance
I am not talking material stuff, I am talking having a tribe, community, health, joy and bountiful of seemingly endless fulfillment and contentment with myself ad what is around me.
41. For Vulnerability
I am an open book, I tend to share and at times that sharing of me has been taken advantage of, does it stop me from being vulnerable? No, this is who I am, and I will share when I want to share, I truly do not want to live in a guarded state for fear of being hurt.
42. For Radical Self Love
This is not a negotiation; it is a necessity for me.
43. For Healing Work
This is one of those lifelong quests. In the process of healing, I have found an amazing book that everyone should get, HOW WE HEAL by Alexandra Elle. Let me know how it goes.
44. For moments of Softness, Safeness, and Stillness Always.
Let me know if any resonate with you in the comments section below. What are some the things you are grateful for?
Happy 44th. Thank you for sharing this great list & for shining light on things that we…I take for granted & don’t think to give gratitude for. I am definitely adding some things to my list.
I am yet to embark on that solo trip maybe this will be the year.
Happy 44th! You are an incredible woman! I enjoyed reading your gratitude 44! Thank you for the inspiration and reminder that there is so much to be grateful for around us. ❤🙏🏾
I loved reading the 44 things you're grateful for, so many resonates with me as well! The top 3 things I'm grateful for is good health, a sound mind and a loving and supportive family ♥️. Cheers to 2023. May God bless you, your family and your business abundantly.
Malkia E fan